Donations & Tithes
We thank you for coming to this page and invite you to help us build God’s Kingdom through your kind donation, your tithes or offerings to Round Up.
Through our great leaders, and monthly church planning (where everyone is invited to attend) we make monthly plans to lighten hearts, build faith and encourage one another through ministries, and events that bring families together.
We take every opportunity to round up our church family and friends with skeet shoots, mounted shooting, campfire round ups, chuck wagon cobbler’s, Bible Studies, fellowships, potlucks, play days, muttin bustin, team sorting, pinning, stick horse races, inflatable horse races and all kinds of ways to come together to talk about God.
Round Up truly believes “God blesses the gift and the giver.”
If you want to be a part of building up God’s Kingdom at Round Up you can DONATE below.
We truly appreciate your support. There are tithe envelopes in the back of the church where you may pick up an envelope and leave it in the donation barrel.
At the end of service the donations are securely collected and accounted for.
If you would prefer to donate via credit or debit card please see Pastor Rick.